FAQ’s & Contact

What administrative costs are deducted from donations?

Of the $50 I donated what amount reaches DVCC or DVR?
100%.  Checks are made out directly to DVCC or DVR

Does the administrator of the program receive any benefit monetary or otherwise from this program?
None, personal satisfaction

What does DVCC or DVR do with the donations?
Provides fuel assistance to those in need. Supports the local ambulance service

If I own multiple properties does enrollment cost me double?

Yes, $50 fee is per delivery location

Who is the supplier?
Suburban for both oil and propane

Does Suburban have any restrictions?
The only restriction is that you must be on automatic delivery and establish or have a credit account with the fuel provider (Suburban).

Pricing Tier Determination is based on your annual consumption

0 to 500/gal Tier 1

501 to 1000/gal Tier 2

1001 to 3000/gal Tier 3

3001+ Tier 4

How do I enroll?
Send check for $50  made out to Deerfield Valley Community Cares(DVCC) or Deerfield Valley Rescue(DVR) with the following information.

Delivery Address
Phone Number
E-mail Address
Current Supplier
Number of gallons used annually
Price you are now paying a gallon
Do you own your tank?

Jim McDevitt
P.O. Box 305
West Dover, VT 05356
802-464-3447   email: propanedover@gmail.com

For clarifications or questions please contact us here:


propane fuel club vt – propane dover